Friday, January 1, 2016

Releasing Children From Poverty In Jesus Name

                    Poverty Is A Complex Problem And Requires A Comprehensive Solution

We are advocates for children in poverty. We see them as whole beings with bodies, minds, souls and spirits. We see them as unique and precious in God’s sight. We give them an opportunity to learn about Jesus.

We understand that they need to be known, loved and protected so they can learn and grow and thrive and become all that God intends for them to be.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Enable Them To Become Responsible

                     Enable Them To Become Responsible And Fulfilled Christian Adults

Embedded in our mission statement is a bold claim for long-term impact. This usually cannot be measured until many years after our programmatic interventions are completed. And yet, it is important that everyone involved in our mission understands what we are working toward.

Our desire for children in poverty to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults is not much different from the desire that all Christian parents have for their own children.

But in the same way that the best resourced parents can’t guarantee their own children will develop into responsible and fulfilled Christian adults, we cannot guarantee that the children in our programs will achieve this goal.

The caring adults that Compassion places in the lives of children in poverty are like farmers carefully planting, watering and nurturing. We enable children by creating an environment in which they are much more likely to grow and flourish into their full God-given potential.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Future And A Hope

                                From Their Spiritual Economic Social And Physical Poverty

From their spiritual, economic, social and phyiscial poverty” highlights that poverty is a complex problem and requires a comprehensive solution.

Poverty is not just a matter of economics. Yes, when the Bible talks about the poor it overwhelmingly means those who are economically disadvantaged. However, it is a problem that requires a holistic solution, far beyond money alone.

People are whole beings and the condition of economic poverty is generally accompanied by significant levels of physical, social and spiritual poverty. Children are particularly vulnerable to the physical threats of poverty including malnutrition, disease and abuse.

Children in poverty are also particularly vulnerable to the emotional and spiritual messages of poverty that tell them they are worthless, of no value in the sight of others or even God.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

To Release Them

                                                       Release The Captives

To release them” makes it clear that we have an end in mind, a desired outcome for the children in our programs.
Yes, we believe there is eternal value in every act of love and compassion. But true love means that we want to help a person to overcome.

Jesus came to “release the captives,” not just to make them temporarily feel better. We seek transformation in the lives of the children in our programs so that they are truly released from poverty.

Monday, December 28, 2015

Compassion Exists As An Advocate For Children

                                                               Great Commission

Compassion exists as an advocate for children” positions us as child advocates in our overall ethos.
An advocate is one who speaks up for and defends the rights of another.

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy Proverbs.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

In Response To The Great Commission

Our Mission Statement Expanded And Explained

However, the opening phrase of our mission statement makes it clear that we are also a “Great Commission” ministry, that we are engaged in the proclamation of the Gospel and also align ourselves with Christian mission organizations.

The strength of our commitment to Christian holism, to the demonstration and the proclamation of the Gospel, makes us unique among major child sponsorship organizations.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Child Focused

                                       Become Responsible And fulfilled Christian Adults

Our creative spirit drives innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities before us.
Compassion is professional. We do our work with excellence but without pretension.
Our faith in God and in His promises empowers us to be confident. In the face of evil raging around us, we remain hopeful and lift one another's spirits as we go about our mission of releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.

As an advocate for children, to release them from their spiritual, economic, social and physical poverty and enable them to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults.